Do I want people to stop smoking or switch to the electric cigarette?
Gud question
Ultimately I want people to quit smoking cigarettes (traditional cigarettes)
Ultimately I want people to stop dyeing from something that can be avoided
I want people to care about themselves enough to stop killing themselves by poisonous substances. At some point in every smokers life they have periods of wanting to quit wether it be there own idea or a family member trying to pursued them not to smoke . This product caters for this market. I feel the point is that some people's addiction to nicotine is too strong to quit while others may be not be regardless this product will help both of these people who shud I aim it at ? Why not market this product at smokers, giver uppers, people stuck on 12 hr flights,who ever needs nicotine to get through the day is the target audience of the product. I feel that this product is similar enough to smoking to be used by smokers as an alternative to smoking or as an aid to quitting.
In my case I have named my product iQuit and am working on a project aimed at getting people to quit smoking but my over all aim is to get the product noticed and let the customer decide what they use it for
As a smoker i bought this product out of shear curiosity just to see what an electric cigarette tastes/feels like.
was up late so may have rambled on a bit
Well atleast what I said got you thinking!
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