Friday, 28 November 2008

Simply logos

logos simlyfried 
after getting some feed  back in class the logos have developed into these
mmn  top one looks like the power sign
2nd one looks like someone smokin 

heres one i made earlier

here are some prototypes with the lid

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Do I want people to stop smoking or switch to the electric cigarette?

Gud question

Ultimately I want people to quit smoking cigarettes (traditional cigarettes)

Ultimately I want people to stop dyeing from something that can be avoided

I want people to care about themselves enough to stop killing themselves by poisonous substances. At some point in every smokers life they have periods of wanting to quit wether it be there own idea or a family member trying to pursued them not to smoke . This product caters for this market. I feel the point is that some people's addiction to nicotine is too strong to quit while others may be not be regardless this product will help both of these people who shud I aim it at ? Why not market this product at smokers, giver uppers, people stuck on 12 hr flights,who ever needs nicotine to get through the day is the target audience of the product. I feel that this product is similar enough to smoking to be used by smokers as an alternative to smoking or as an aid to quitting.

In my case I have named my product iQuit and am working on a project aimed at getting people to quit smoking but my over all aim is to get the product noticed and let the customer decide what they use it for

As a smoker i bought this product out of shear curiosity just to see what an electric cigarette tastes/feels like.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

cylinder packaging?

cylinder design ?
the idea is that it displays the product from all angles
but adding labels to it makes it look wrong somehow?

crazy loco logo

Am even more confused about what logo to use now
somebody pick one please

clear plastic

dont know how convincing/effective these images are

i packaging

Imagine the cigerette in there is the electric one

Monday, 24 November 2008

Wiv Bckrnd

Ah dats better

Also was playing about with power sign but did'nt make the cut

Thanks for the comments everybody

Somthing missing ? (a background)

Eny meeny miney moe
catch a logo by the toe

ERM Hold on a minute 
did not know you cud save to web without a backround colour?
apologies but for the time being  try to imagine it with a white background peaceful and quite birds singing bees buzzing ..................... blah blah BLUR
whilst I rectify this error

WARNING WARNING Labels are operating in this area!

jus some ideas for the advertising campaign trying to emphasis that there is no tar or carbon monoxide in the electric cigarette
Doh spelt harmful wrong 

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

My Golden Ticket

After purchasing my ticket from a rather stern lady at the desk
I entered the Alan Aldridge exhibition  it was like charlie entering the willy wonkas' chocolate factory  or even alice entering  the rabbit hole in wonder land. You are instantly struck by physcadelic colours of the sixties and 10 feet tall characters from covers of beatles records. love peace and revolution seem to be the themes
The challenge for today was to take as many photos of the exhibition with out the security lady catching me ,this i did more successfully than some of my colleges, although many of my photos are obscured by my sketch book that i used to hide my photo taking

My favorite peace in the exhibition was the image of a skull made from an opium poppy i think this was the thought provoking.
This seemed to be the hardest image to take a photo of  due to the security lady hovering around this piece, to avoid detection I ended up crouched down next to the car to take a photo which came out blurry anyway!

My close second favorite  bit it took me a second to figure out what it was(and Simon even longer), this piece was one of many stickers on the final wall towards the end of the exhibition

What I took away from the exhibition was ow many ideas start as doodles and stay as doodles and thats okay keeping them simple keeps a certain amount of rawness and truth to them

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Stickin it to da MAN

The goal of my project is to fight the corner for smokers. Over the past few years more and more pressure has been put on smokers to STOP. We are being pushed out (literally) of buildings, workplaces places we go to to socialize and relax. We are not welcome this message is clear with Red circular signs stuck on every door of every business. We are social outcasts banished outside.

Obviously there are major health risks that come with smoking everyone knows this it is taught in schools portrayed on TV AD campaigns even large written warnings printed on the side of cigarette boxes SMOKING KILLS and now even horrific pictures printed on the side of box's and yet people still dont quit (some never will).

There is so much emphasis on the stopping smoking right now but not much on how to stop the only booklets I found were full of Super HAPPY HAPPY people with smiles on there face from ear to ear. Every smoker knows this is not a true portrayal of how you will feel whilst your body craves for nicotine, even the products out there are far from desirable, a inhalator that feels like inhaling glass, gums that taste like hair ballz, patches that look like they are for varucas,

My product draws on these raw emotions felt by smokers. By offering them a cigarette that has none of the long list of harmful side effects that a regular cigarette has but all the positive things, a way to get their nicotine in a pleasant way the feeling of something between your fingers, the same action of inhaling a cigarette even the exhaling of smoke (vapor). It also gets around the smoking ban getting smokers back inside out of the cold, No harmful effects of passive smoking, No high medical bills for the government everybody is happy

Smokers who want to quit there is a lighter strength refills to make quitting easier a long painless process

What I aim to change is how the product is marketed currently it is marketed as a pharmaceutical product something that is sold in chemists I aim to change this.

The branding of this product will be more like a new gadget in the similar sort of market as the i-phone,i-pod, the packaging will have a visual style similar to nintendo wii, but still totally original something modern and funky

There will be an ad campaign highlighting the benifits of this new revolutionary product

this statement is subject to possible changes

and may change over time....

but not tonight far too late 3am late!

If you find any veiws here offensive please

leave a comment

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Smoking causes Incompetence

Currently there is an ad campaign running at the moment in newspapers and billboards about smoking causing impotence (in men obviously)
Why not turn this add round to something humorous as sex sells and humour is a great way to make something memorable 

Keep the FIRE
Lose the smoke

The guilt free cigarette

Some slogans/strap lines to be thinking about

WOW! its so BIG

The cigarette box is instantly recognizable no matter what scale
Below is a mock up of the sort of size the box would have to be
to fit all components into it BIG HUH

The cigarette box is just one idea but is it the right idea?
is it wise to promote the product as a cigarette.
It is an electric cigarette after all
Or is something totally different more suitable as the product is totally different?
These are the questions I will be asking and solving........

The colour scheme will definately include White & Blue This is probly the only thing I am sure on.
or maybe multi coloured

I-cig-metric diagram

This is a exploded diagram of the electric cigarette that I made (looks pretty cool i thinks)
It will make assembly easier and quicker
This will be found in the instructions or near the top
so its seen as the box is opened.
Solving the problem that I had of not knowing how to assemble
the product.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Blog trouble in little china



Thinking of new names for my product 

These are some of them
Vaporizer / Atomizer
Vapour Puffs / sticks
guilt free
electric fame
Cig-Care-ettes  (jokes)
Smokless smokes

After a while of thinking of  fairly awful names
It dawned on me that the cherry on the end of the cigarette
was blue, Why not Blue Cherry 
This might give the impression that it was flavored
So Blue Tips was the next Idea
Still not 100% sure on this but a starting point

Strangely this picture is Blue on my computer as soon as I put it on my blog it
turns red back to its original colour ? (marlboro must have hacked my blog) 
This is just a concept of what the box could look like obviously  I t wouldnt look 
identical to a marlboro brand box

Problem of colours has now been resolved: note save for web illustrations

original packaging photo taken in the photography studio

Thursday, 6 November 2008

My Vic Cigarette

My Vic Cigarette and what I 
would change about it

After working out how to assemble the product I then found out
I had to wait 8 hrs for it to charge up.
I would probably change that so it would come already charged 
up waiting 8 hrs to smoke this was like waiting for ever

After opening the plain packaging  and removing the lid I am
met with the product it took me about 5 minutes to work 
how to put a fresh cartridge in the electric cigarette 

The packaging of this product is very plain and clinical
this will be one of the first things I will change.
possibly to something more like a deck of cigarettes 
or maybe something completely different 

An unusual package arrives what could it be?

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Saturday, 1 November 2008

smoking in class

After charging up the cigarette I tried it out

How does this thing work?

How does this thing work ?
& Does my voice really sound like that?

It took a while to figure out how to use the electric cigarette.
possibly should have read the instructions?

Okay worked out where the atomizer is
Now all I need to do is charge it up for 8 hrs !

Finally my electric cigarette arrives

Finally worked out how to save one of my own movies to my blog ........ C'mon

The day my electric cigarette arrives
As I was leaving my house to go to university, the postman stopped me with a parcel
it was my electric cigarette after lesson I opened it this was the moment caught on film.