I also think that CSR goes beyond just caring for the environment but doing whats morally right like in the dvd where it was wrong to fire all those workers and shut the factories. I think as a designer it is our job to make people buy certain products to make people buy into certain brands this is our job this is what we are paid to do. But with this power comes great responsibility"spiderman". Should I as a person advertise for large fashion retail companies that abuse cheap labour in other countries that put profit above human suffering. Should I feel guilty if I do?.
I think as designers we should take some responsibility for how we use are skills or how they are used by others.
I think what it comes down to are morals
i.e. would I design tobacco packaging where the my brief is to make my pack more attractive than all the others so that young people (over 18) bought this brand. Could I do that knowing that I could be shortening peoples lives and introducing cigarettes to people who may not of previously smoked. Or a similar scenario with alchohol.
overall I think this responsibility mainly falls with the companies themselves and advertising standards regulators but I think designers should have consciences on how they influence people.